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Breck Epic: Stage 5 and 6

Sonya Looney on the podium as the winner of the 2011 Breck Epic mountain bike race.

IMG_1413 Selene rocked a pink skirt.

Katie, Wendy, Selene, and I spent Stage 6 riding and chatting. We lined up somewhere in the middle of the pack, and while we did not ride slow, we were not grimacing, drooling shebeasts either. Selene and I even sang a few words to some songs at the top of our lungs. I was very thankful for the parade lap after how painful Stage 5 ended up being. We skipped the PBR feed (my reasoning was that I would rather drink it at the finish and I didn’t eat much in the 3 hours we were out) We all crossed the final finish line of the race and were greeted with a shower of champagne with my boyfriend behind the bottle. I took a swig of the remnants in the bottle and cracked open a cold PBR. It tasted like carbonated water – very refreshing!

IMG_1428 I was so glad Katie Lindquist raced last week!

IMG_1415 Peter put my socks to shame.

IMG_1411 My Smootie!

I went bobbing for a real beer in the cooler and enjoyed the Tim Johnson, hold the Johnson sandwich. (Peanut butter, Nutella, potato chips, marshmallow cream but I left out the banana). I got to see my friend Cynthia finish the Breck Epic (and win her category). She was so nervous about finishing the race during the months of training leading up to it that her finish was just as special as my own.

Everyone was congratulating and hugging each other for our accomplishments as the sun shined down on our faces.

I couldn’t believe it. I had won the Breck Epic.


IMG_1435 Beer cooler! Lemme in!


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