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My first Venus de Miles, certainly not my last.

To add to all the excitement we had a mechanical in the first 15 minutes of the ride.  Suzanne had an explosive tire wall blow out on a downhill.  Scary!  In no time we had four men in drag to our rescue!  A short trip to our first rest stop and the guys at Full Cycle had us all fixed up with a new tire!

As I learned, this was no bare essentials stop.  There were two men serenading us with beautiful wood instruments, and bins of yummy food from Ideal Market.  Oreos with protein smoothie anyone?  Chair massage while you wait for your bike to be tuned? Wow, if only all my feed zones while racing could be this magical.

Debbie and Heather of “The Moving Violations” enjoying their rest.
Thanks Ideal!

The ride continued on and I must say I was amazed by the diversity of bikes and women I saw on the ride.  It was all so inspiring.

Up to Jamestown, fruit loops in Lyons, last stop in Hygiene, all with rest stops for social time and yummy food.  I think I may have actually gained weight on this ride, and happily so.

These ladies were HOT!

Our group finished the 67 mile chosen ride in 6 hours, for me a leisurely pace that i don’t often get.  We ended in Prospect park to The Goonies singing the 80’s, mojitos, beer, wine, gourmet lunch and shared stories with each other of our days adventure.

bike parking
With Goonies front lady Ashley Ayere

I have to say, being a racer for the last 17 years has had its wonderful moments, but this was different.  I got to ride with my girlfriends that I usually can’t ride with because i’m “training”, and now know i’ve been missing out. The bond that Venus de Miles creates between women on their bikes is like no other bike event i’ve ever been a part of.   I was humbled,  in awe, and now hold a very special place in my heart for this event.  I hope to ride this one day with my daughter, Canin.

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