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The Single Greatest Thing to Ever Happen Anywhere at Any Time in History

Well, no point in going on now. Once you’ve seen The Single Greatest Thing to Ever Happen Anywhere at Any Time in History, why hang around for this year’s Superbowl halftime ads or to see Marcus Bachmann outed in a hotel room with an underage Thai lady-boy?


I somehow missed this gang on the summit. My loss.

Hot tub on the summit of Europe. Does anyone have a few fresh vials of morphine? I may as well just push the plunger and take the sweet release of deep, eternal sleep, because life will get no better than sitting astride Italy and France with a bunch of frothed up uberfit alpinists. I mean, check out the minx with the red cap. For a bunch of Swiss, they sure seem to having a good time!

I had the good fortune to climb Mont Blanc (4807m; 15770 ft) a few years ago and my summit experience was a bit less euphoric than theirs seemed to be. I feel gipped. I’ll be suing the governments of Italy and France in due course. I mean, it’s socialized over there–if those smartass Swissies got to hot tub, then I should, too! Right?

I wish you the best over the weekend, but somehow I don’t think any of us will top this. Lemme know if you do. xo


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