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Postcards From the Weekend: High Altitude Reflections

When the wind is howling and the visibility is so low that I can’t see the tips of my skis, the same thought always crosses my mind: we’re not supposed to be here. It suddenly seems foolish that we leave the safety of our warm, comfortable homes so many miles away to play our cards against the cold, harsh winter. We gear up like soldiers, donning Gore-Tex jackets, helmets, goggles, and leather gloves so that barely any of our skin is exposed to the frigid air. We head to elevations so high that trees can’t even grow. But when the clouds part and the thrashing of the wind ceases, the memories of pain and discomfort vanish from my mind. Unease turns to admiration as I scan the limitless horizons with peaks scattered in all directions. The vastness takes my breath away every time, the allure of it all, undeniable.


Postcards From the Weekend is our weekly photo series showcasing images and stories from our adventurous and outdoor-loving contributors at Elevation Outdoor Magazine. Follow along and see where our team of adventure-seekers like to spend their weekends. 

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