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Fly Fishing Stoke: Fly Fishing Film Tour Tickets Now Available

The Fly Fishing Film Tour (F3T) is celebrating 15 years of stoke-inducing fishing films with a virtual streaming event. Theme of the year? PASSION. Passion for conservation, passion for the chase, passion for the places where the chase takes place.  

The F3T “aims to inspire, feed your fishing addiction and build awareness for conservation efforts around the world” and this year’s films do just that. Jam-packed with anglers from across the globe, this year’s festival is one you won’t want to miss.

Best part of all: You can view it all from the comfort of your couch…or boat, or lake-sides cabin, or…you get the point. 

This year’s virtual platform gives viewers the option to watch it wherever and (almost) whenever they want! Streaming through April 4, 2021, you can get view trailers, purchase tickets, and learn more on the F3T website. 

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